What bonuses will you receive after becoming a Huntly Partner? More money!
Have a great candidate? Earn $20 just by uploading them to a Hot Vacancy
Earn $20 for each relevant candidate that matches the criteria of a hot vacancy and is invited by the client for the interview.
Earn 2X more: $200 by referring a New User
As a valued member of our recruitment community, you can receive a 2X bonus for each new user you bring to Huntly. You’ll get a reward once they successfully close a vacancy with their candidate.
And other perks...
2 days of priority access to new vacancies
As a valued recruiter, you'll have exclusive 2-day priority access to review and submit candidates for any newly posted vacancy. Stay ahead of the competition and increase your chances of successful placements.
Your free promotion as a Partner on social media
Get a free social media promotion as a Partner! Let us showcase your profile and services, helping you shine in the recruitment community.
How to become a Huntly Partner?
Add «Huntly Partner» to your experience on LinkedIn