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Hire TensorFlow Developers

TensorFlow, an open-source library developed by Google, has become a powerhouse for building and deploying machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) applications. Its powerful capabilities and flexible architecture make it a favorite among developers worldwide.

Via our extensive community involving thousands of Huntly recruiters, you can access a vast pool of TensorFlow developers ‒ and our vetting will ensure that you find that perfect fit for your project.

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Recommended Сandidates

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​​Michael Simon TensorFlow Developer A TensorFlow developer with PhD in Computer Science; skilled at building complex deep-learning models for image recognition and natural language processing; flexible in fast-paced environments and has a track record of delivering high-performance models for Fortune 500 companies.
7 years of experience
Python, TensorFlow, ML
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​​Michael Simon TensorFlow Developer A TensorFlow developer with PhD in Computer Science; skilled at building complex deep-learning models for image recognition and natural language processing; flexible in fast-paced environments and has a track record of delivering high-performance models for Fortune 500 companies.
7 years of experience
Python, TensorFlow, ML
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Daniel Evans TensorFlow Developer A proficient TensorFlow developer, adept at harnessing the power of TensorFlow and Keras to construct robust machine learning models for a wide range of applications; excels at tackling challenging tasks and has a knack for staying ahead of the curve with the latest TensorFlow advancements.
12 years of experience
TensorFlow, Keras, AWS
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Daniel Evans TensorFlow Developer A proficient TensorFlow developer, adept at harnessing the power of TensorFlow and Keras to construct robust machine learning models for a wide range of applications; excels at tackling challenging tasks and has a knack for staying ahead of the curve with the latest TensorFlow advancements.
12 years of experience
TensorFlow, Keras, AWS

Must-Have Skills for TensorFlow Developers

To ensure you hire the right TensorFlow developer for your project, look for candidates with the following skills:

  1. Python Proficiency: In-depth knowledge of Python syntax, data structures, and object-oriented programming is crucial; familiarity with Python libraries like NumPy and Pandas for data manipulation is a plus.
  2. TensorFlow Expertise: A strong understanding of TensorFlow's core concepts, including tensors, computational graphs, and training methodologies, is the basis each TensorFlow specialist should be proficient at; also essential to check if a candidate has experience with building and deploying TensorFlow models for specific tasks relevant to your project.
  3. Machine Learning Fundamentals: A grasp of machine learning concepts like supervised/unsupervised and deep learning is necessary, as well as familiarity with common machine learning algorithms and evaluation metrics.
  4. Problem-Solving Skills: The ability to break down complex problems into manageable steps, choosing appropriate algorithms and troubleshooting model performance being vital.
  5. Communication and Collaboration: Must be able to communicate effectively with team members, explain technical concepts to non-technical specialists working on the project, and collaborate seamlessly with stakeholders.

And by partnering with Huntly and leveraging our expertise, you’ll hire Tensorflow developers to propel your machine-learning project to new heights.

Hire TensorFlow Developers with Huntly

Finding top TensorFlow developers can be quite expensive. On average, recruitment agencies charge employers a fee equivalent to 15-20% of the hired candidate's first-year salary. For a senior TensorFlow developer with a typical salary of $150,000, this translates to a recruitment fee of $22,500 – $30,000. Yet with Huntly, you can hire a developer at a third of the costs.

That’s because our transparent pricing model allows you to decide on the recruitment fee that best suits your budget. Moreover, at Huntly you don't pay our fee until you've onboarded that qualified TensorFlow developer. This ensures our interests are aligned with yours – we only succeed after you succeed.

How it Works

Publish your position for free and set up the bonus.
Interview the relevant pre-vetted candidates only.
Pay the one-time bonus to a recruiter only after the position is filled.

What Needs is Huntly Best for?

Deep Technical ExpertiseFilling roles that require specialized skills like TensorFlow development demands a deep understanding of the field. The combined expertise of our recruiters and internal Huntly experts allows us to identify the most qualified candidates for your technical needs.
Efficient Resource OptimizationBuilding an in-house recruiting team to hire TensorFlow developer can be resource-intensive. Huntly offers a cost-effective solution that leverages our industry knowledge and established network, freeing up your team to focus on core business activities.
High Volume RecruitmentWe understand the importance of finding that perfect fit for your company at a rapid yet stress-free pace. Our recruitment process ensures that only the most qualified candidates reach your desk within the matter of days.
Recruitment Has Never Been so Safe!
3 Months GuaranteeOption to change the candidate within three months
Free Candidate ReplacementIf the candidate doesn’t pass the probation period, we’ll find a new one for free
Money Back PromiseOur refund policies ensure a risk-free experience


What is the Huntly interview process like? We receive dozens of relevant CVs for each position and first vet every candidate manually to ensure they meet your requirements. Then we present you with a shortlist of only the most qualified ones ‒ and you decide which specialists to proceed with according to your corporate guidelines.
What are the benefits of using Huntly to hire TensorFlow developer? Huntly offers a cost-effective solution with flexible fees and payment after successful placement. We also provide comprehensive support throughout the hiring process and pre-screen candidates to ensure the highest quality matches.
What type of TensorFlow experience do Huntly candidates possess? Our candidate pool offers a diverse range of TensorFlow expertise, spanning from seasoned professionals with extensive industry experience to experts who specialize in cutting-edge technologies and emerging fields. Whether your project demands expertise in computer vision, NLP, predictive analytics, or any other ML discipline, we can connect you with candidates who possess the depth of knowledge necessary for navigating your project to success.
How long does it take to find a qualified TensorFlow developer? The timeframe varies depending on your requirements and the current job market. However, Huntly's streamlined process normally allows us to identify and present top tech candidates within a few days.
Your Ideal Developer is Just a Few Clicks Away!
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Hire TensorFlow Developers Trends

TensorFlow continues to reign supreme as a favored framework for machine learning and deep learning projects. However, the landscape of hiring TensorFlow developers is constantly evolving. Here's a glimpse into some key trends shaping the recruitment process.

Demand for Specialized Skills

While a solid foundation in TensorFlow remains essential, the demand for specialized skills is on the rise. Companies are increasingly seeking developers with expertise in specific areas like:

  • natural language processing (NLP): the ability to build chatbots, sentiment analysis systems, and machine translation models using TensorFlow is highly sought-after;
  • computer vision: developers skilled in image recognition, object detection, and video analysis are in high demand for tasks like autonomous vehicles and medical image analysis;
  • generative adversarial networks (GANs): as GAN technology advances, companies are looking for developers who can create realistic images, manipulate existing ones, and even generate creative text formats.

Emphasis on Soft Skills and Communication

Technical expertise is crucial but soft skills are becoming equally important. Business owners are usually interested in developers who can:

  • effectively communicate complex technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders;
  • collaborate seamlessly with data scientists, project managers, and other team members;
  • think critically and solve problems creatively;
  • adapt to a fast-paced and ever-changing technological landscape.

Strong communication and collaboration skills foster a productive work environment, thus ensure successful project outcomes.

Remote Work Opportunities

The rise of remote work has significantly impacted the hiring landscape for TensorFlow developers. Companies are now more open to hiring geographically dispersed talent, opening up a wider pool of qualified candidates. This trend benefits both developers (increased flexibility) and companies (access to a global talent pool).

By partnering with Huntly, you can hire Tensorflow developers for on-site, hybrid, or fully remote positions ‒ thanks to our worldwide community of tech recruiters and their numerous connections with top tech talents.

Focus on Continuous Learning

The field of machine learning is always changing, with new tools, techniques, and best practices emerging frequently. Companies are placing a premium on developers who demonstrate a commitment to continuous learning. This could involve attending conferences, participating in online courses, or actively contributing to open-source projects.

The Rise of AI-powered Recruitment Tools

Artificial intelligence (AI) is making inroads into the recruitment industry. And at Huntly, we utilize AI for automating the recruitment process to provide you with a pipeline of the most relevant candidates in a highly expedient manner. Yet we also never forget that human expertise remains vital in tech recruitment.

That’s why you can rely on Huntly’s mix of technology and the human touch to hire TensorFlow developers more efficiently.

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