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Hire Flutter Developers

In the mobile development world, Flutter's ability to build beautiful, high-performance apps for both iOS and Android with a single codebase is revolutionizing things. However, finding dedicated Flutter app developers can be quite overwhelming.

That’s where Huntly comes into play! No matter your specific needs, we'll connect you with a dedicated Flutter developer who seamlessly aligns with your vision and goals.

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Recommended Сandidates

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​​William Travis Flutter Developer An experienced Flutter developer proficient in utilizing Flutter and Dart to build high-performance UIs and smooth user experiences across various devices; skilled in Firebase for backend services and data management.
7 years of experience
Flutter, Dart, Firebase
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​​William Travis Flutter Developer An experienced Flutter developer proficient in utilizing Flutter and Dart to build high-performance UIs and smooth user experiences across various devices; skilled in Firebase for backend services and data management.
7 years of experience
Flutter, Dart, Firebase
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Nick Becker Flutter Developer A seasoned Flutter developer boasting extensive expertise in crafting mobile applications with Flutter and Dart; dedicated to producing clean and efficient code that enhances app performance and user satisfaction.
10 years of experience
Flutter, Dart, SQLite
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Nick Becker Flutter Developer A seasoned Flutter developer boasting extensive expertise in crafting mobile applications with Flutter and Dart; dedicated to producing clean and efficient code that enhances app performance and user satisfaction.
10 years of experience
Flutter, Dart, SQLite

Choosing the Right Flutter Developers for Hire

When you need to hire a dedicated Flutter developer for your project, you could get confused or even frustrated. The following tips will break down the key steps to ensure you hire the ideal candidate who aligns with your business vision and brings your app to life.
  1. Skill search: Identify the Flutter expertise and skills required for your project. Determine the experience level required (junior, middle, or senior) based on project complexity.
  2. Choose the cooperation model: Decide if you need an in-house developer or a freelance/contract arrangement. Weigh the pros and cons of each approach based on your project requirements, budget, and management style. Consider team composition – do you need a one-person army or a diversely skilled squad?
  3. Skill assessment: Design coding tests, live coding sessions, or review projects/code samples to gauge a candidate's technical proficiency. Don’t forget to evaluate communication, problem-solving, teamwork, and adaptability skills through interviews, portfolio reviews, and references.

By following these steps and seeking our expert advice if needed, you'll be well on your way to perfect Flutter developer hiring!

Hire Flutter Developers with Huntly

When you hire a Flutter developer through a traditional recruitment agency, costs can range from $20,000 to $30,000 or more, depending on the location, candidate’s salary, agency fees, and the complexity of the hiring process.

Alternatively, Huntly offers a cost-effective solution thanks to our flexible recruitment fee options. Huntly allows you to decide on the recruitment fee based on your preferences and budget, giving you more control over your hiring expenses. Moreover, with Huntly you only pay the recruitment fee after successfully hiring a candidate, ensuring that you first get the results before making any investment.

With that said, you can expect to hire dedicated Flutter developer three times (or more) cheaper if compared to traditional recruitment agencies.

How to Hire Flutter Developers through Huntly

Publish your position for free and set up the bonus.
Interview the relevant pre-vetted candidates only.
Pay the one-time bonus to a recruiter only after the position is filled.

What Needs is Huntly Best for?

Filling Challenging Technical RolesHuntly excels in identifying and recruiting candidates for hard-to-fill technical positions. Our advanced algorithms and thorough analysis streamline the process of finding professionals with the specific skills and expertise required for complex technical roles.
Optimizing Company ResourcesBy giving us the job we do best, you benefit in saving time, reducing manual efforts, and ensuring a more efficient allocation of resources within your organization.
Meeting Rigorous DeadlinesWe rapidly generate the pipeline of relevant candidates and meticulously select the best ones based on predefined criteria. This ensures that you interview professionals who align with your company's standards and objectives within a matter of days.
Recruitment Has Never Been so Safe!
3 Months GuaranteePossibility to replace the candidate within three months.
Free Candidate ReplacementIf the candidate doesn’t pass the probation period, we’ll find a new one for free.
Money Back PromiseA risk-free experience according to our refund policies.


How does Huntly's pre-screening process work? Our community consists of professional recruitment specialists who refer talents based on job requirements and make sure that each candidate matches a specific position perfectly. Then our internal Customer Success team checks the quality of every CV provided by recruiters.
What happens after I find a suitable candidate? You can directly engage with the candidate, negotiate terms, and move forward with the developer hiring process. Huntly provides support and guidance throughout all the stages until you hire a Flutter developer. Only when the new hire joins your company do you pay the recruitment fee.
What are the payment options? You set the price that suits your budget, paying only once you hire the developer. We offer various payment options to ensure flexibility and transparency.
How do you manage it if I'm not satisfied with a candidate(s)? Huntly offers a satisfaction guarantee. If you're not happy with the initial pool of candidates, we will source additional options that better match your requirements.
Your Ideal Developer is Just a Few Clicks Away!
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Why You Need to Hire Flutter App Developers?

Choosing the right framework for mobile app development is pivotal in achieving success. Flutter emerges as a top choice for those aiming to build high-quality, cross-platform applications efficiently. Whether you're a startup, an established business, or an entrepreneur with a unique app idea, opting for Flutter developers for hire can offer a range of benefits to contribute to your project's success.

Cross-Platform Development

Dedicated Flutter app developers can create applications that seamlessly run on multiple platforms with a single codebase. This cross-platform compatibility significantly reduces development time and costs while ensuring consistent performance and user experience across different devices.

Hot Reload Feature

Flutter's hot reload capability allows developers to instantly view changes made to the code in the app without restarting it. This feature speeds up development cycles, facilitates quick bug fixes, and enhances collaboration between developers, designers, and stakeholders.

Rich and Customizable UI

Flutter provides a variety of customizable widgets and tools, empowering developers to create stunning and responsive user interfaces. Whether aiming for a material design or that custom-branded look, you can hire Flutter developer and benefit from flexibility and freedom in designing UI elements that match your vision and brand identity.

Excellent Performance

Powered by the Dart programming language, Flutter allows developers to build high-performance applications with smooth animations and fluid interactions. Its compilation to native machine code results in superior performance and responsiveness, even on resource-constrained devices.

Growing Community and Ecosystem

Flutter benefits from a rapidly growing community of developers, contributors, and enthusiasts. Hiring one or a few of these pros will definitely add a competitive advantage to your tech business. Moreover, the Flutter community provides a wealth of resources, including documentation, tutorials, plugins, and packages, streamlining the development process and addressing common challenges. This reason to hire Flutter app developers sounds earnest, isn’t it?

Scalability and Flexibility

Whether you're a startup building an MVP or a large enterprise scaling your mobile presence, Flutter offers scalability and flexibility. Flutter developers can efficiently add features, update functionality, and adapt the app to changing market demands without compromising the performance or user experience.

In conclusion, the decision to hire Flutter developers allows different businesses to deliver high-quality and cost-efficient mobile applications that engage users, drive innovation, and achieve strategic objectives in today's competitive digital landscape.

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