How fast can I find the right developer in North Macedonia with Huntly?Our global IT recruitment community in North Macedonia has millions of connections with software developers, so you can expect to get a list of the first relevant candidates available in your city, country, or worldwide within 72 hours after posting your vacancy on Huntly.
What do I need to start hiring developers in North Macedonia with Huntly?To start using IT recruitment services in North Macedonia with Huntly, you should have a quick
intro call with us and register your Employer account. Once your account is created, feel free to post as many software development jobs as you need for free. Set the price that fits your hiring budget and wait for the first relevant candidates to appear in your Employer account in the nearest time.
Do you provide freelance software developers in North Macedonia?At Huntly, we focus on building long-lasting relationships between our clients and tech specialists, thus we hire only full-time dedicated software developers. However, our IT staffing services in North Macedonia provide you with both on-site and remote engineering specialists.
Do you assist with the hiring process in North Macedonia and how?Sure! Our team walks you through the whole process of IT recruitment in North Macedonia. Our managers help you set up your Employer account, assist with job postings, and are always available to notify you about new candidates. Upon request, the Huntly team can also prepare reports on average salary rates and analytics on the availability of relevant candidates in North Macedonia.
What soft skills to look for to hire developer in North Macedonia long-term?Communication skills, collaboration and teamwork, problem-solving skills, adaptability and resilience, as well as time management are among the most important soft skills a good developer should possess. They also need to perfectly match up with your company culture, so make sure to check their compatibility with your corporate values during interviews.
What are some tips for hiring software developers in North Macedonia fast and easy?One of the core conditions for successful tech recruitment in North Macedonia is a clear understanding of who exactly you need to hire. Think about a perfect candidate profile and create a detailed job description based on this information. Also, make sure to give prompt feedback and offer competitive salaries to attract top talent. While using Huntly, don’t forget about the recruiter fee ‒ higher bonuses motivate recruiters to work on your vacancy in the first place.
How is Huntly different from job boards?Job boards connect employers with candidates directly while Huntly is a
tech recruiting platform acting as a mediator between companies and tech recruiters. Thus, when you’re looking for software developers for hire on Huntly, you’re presented with candidates recommended by our professional recruitment community and open to considering new career opportunities. Unlike job boards, our approach provides you with a number of benefits, some of which are pre-vetted candidates, no need for pre-screening interviews (we do this for you), and quick pipeline generation.
How does Huntly pre-screen software engineers in North Macedonia?Our pre-screening services include several steps. First of all, our experienced recruiters upload CVs of the specialists who meet your vacancy requirements. Then, our AI-based algorithm checks every CV to match core requirements. Finally, AI-approved CVs are verified by Huntly’s internal team of tech recruiters. Such a mix of technology and human touch ensures that you’re presented with the best developers in North Macedonia for hire.
What is the difference between hiring developers in North Macedonia through Huntly and outsourcing/outstaffing agencies?Outsourcing/outstaffing agencies aim to provide you with specialists who will temporarily support your in-house software team with engineering tasks. On the contrary, Huntly is your solution to hire dedicated full-time developers from North Macedonia. One more difference between Huntly and outsourcing/outstaffing agencies is the pricing model. Agencies usually charge hourly rates for every developer who works on your project during the whole time of cooperation. Plus, you pay for additional services like project management as well as software licenses used for your product development. At Huntly, we make IT staffing in North Macedonia affordable by offering a flexible and success-based pricing model. This allows you to decide on the recruitment fee on your own and pay only once the hire is on board.
How much does it cost to hire software developers from North Macedonia on Huntly?We recommend you to set a price that equates to a minimum of 7% of a developer’s annual salary, or at least $4,000. From our experience, such price formation is fair in terms of the complexity of positions you need to fill (e.g., a recruitment fee should be different for hiring junior and senior specialists), and decent recruitment prices increase the chances of recruiters being motivated to fill your position in the first place.