How fast can I find the right offshore Blockchain developer with Huntly? +
Since Huntly recruiters are located in different countries in Europe and Latin America, as well as in the USA, they might start working on your vacancy once it’s posted on the platform. As a rule, it takes the Huntly team about 2-3 business days to forward you the first relevant candidates. Some of our clients find their perfect-matching coders at once, some need more time to make an informed decision. But if we speak about the average timeline to hire a software engineering specialist with Huntly, it usually takes up to a month.
What do I need to start hiring offshore Blockchain developers with Huntly? +
We start cooperation with our clients with a short intro call held by our CEO or Leading IT Recruiter. During this online meeting, we ask you about your offshoring needs, discuss organizational questions, and offer the best ways to satisfy your recruiting requirements. Once we agree on the conditions of cooperation, you register your Employer account on the platform and post a job. In a couple of days, you start receiving the best pre-screened candidates in your user-friendly cabinet.
Do you provide freelance offshore Blockchain developers? +
At Huntly, we aim to cultivate long-term relationships between our clients, recruiters, and candidates. So, even with a request to build an offshore Blockchain development team, we help you hire only full-time developers.
Do you assist with the hiring process and how? +
As a Huntly client, you can count on our assistance from the intro call until a successful hire of a Huntly candidate. Our internal recruitment team is always in touch with you whenever you face difficulties posting a vacancy or have questions about candidates. If needed, you can also request regular sync-ups to keep track of your hiring campaign.
What soft skills to look for to hire an offshore Blockchain developer long-term? +
Offshore Blockchain engineers work remotely, so you should definitely go further than simply checking their coding skills. Developers who join your software development team from another country should boast efficient time-management skills, the ability to take on responsibility, and experience working in remote environments. These characteristics will ensure that you can expect high performance from your new team members even if you have a significant time difference.
What are some tips for hiring offshore Blockchain developers fast and easy? +
Hiring overseas developers doesn’t differ much from hiring software engineers in your country. To ensure fast and quality tech recruitment results, you should follow several simple rules. First of all, you need to have a clear job description with as many details as possible to attract the most relevant candidates. Secondly, it’s important to check candidates’ hard and soft skills to make sure they satisfy tech requirements AND fit your company culture. In case you don’t have enough experience in tech recruitment, it’s better to outsource this task to experts like Huntly.
How is Huntly different from job boards? +
Huntly is one of the best modern platforms that provides access to millions of software developers from all around the globe. While you can use traditional resources like LinkedIn or Indeed to find tech specialists, you’ll spend a lot of time reviewing hundreds of applications before choosing really strong candidates. At Huntly, though, we do this for you! With our referrals-on-scale approach, we generate a 10x bigger pipeline than traditional recruitment methods. But what’s good about it is that you get only the most relevant candidates. We ensure the high quality of our pipeline thanks to our two-step pre-screening.
How does Huntly pre-screen offshore Blockchain engineers? +
Huntly has a two-level pre-screening process to ensure that our clients receive a high-quality candidate pipeline. Our built-in AI technology is the first step of verification. It filters out candidates who don’t meet general vacancy requirements such as location, tech stack, and salary range. When the Huntly team receives AI-verified resumes, our internal recruitment team performs the second level of pre-screening. They check every CV to ensure the candidates not only possess the necessary expertise, but also make a good culture fit. For example, we make sure to check a candidate’s previous experience with product companies if a client requires it.
What is the difference between hiring offshore Blockchain developers through Huntly and outsourcing/outstaffing agencies? +
When you offshore Blockchain development to outsourcing/outstaffing agencies, you don’t get all the advantages of hiring a dedicated software development team. While they can provide you with developers fast, involvement in your project might suffer. These agencies need to have many projects simultaneously to be profitable, so your project is likely to be just one of them. But if you hire developers with Huntly, you can count both on their professionalism and dedication to your company.
How much does it cost to hire offshore Blockchain developers on Huntly? +
Affordable hiring costs are one of the advantages Huntly has over other recruitment methods. First of all, hiring developers with Huntly is up to 70% cheaper than with traditional recruitment agencies. Secondly, Huntly gives you the flexibility to decide how much you want to pay as a recruitment fee! The only thing we’ve implemented in order to make the cost formation fair is the minimum threshold. This means that we ask our clients to set a fee for a successful hire that makes a minimum of 7% of a tech specialist’s annual salary or $4,000 — whichever is bigger. Thus, Huntly recruiters are fairly paid for their efforts and you fully control your hiring budget.